As sole proprietor of I’ve Got Two Wings, Dr. Christine Wing provides language development consultation to organizations that serve children and families. She also trains teachers and parents to help children learn language. When she is not consulting and training, she loves spending time with her grandson Logan in their treehouse.
For more than three decades, Dr. Wing has worked as a speech and language pathologist helping individuals improve their communication skills, especially children at risk for or demonstrating significant behavior problems. Dr. Wing integrates clinical work with research to provide practical, communication-based strategies to improve self-regulation.
She is an advocate for children and families. In addition to a Ph.D. in language development, she holds a master’s degree in public policy. Dr. Wing has provided training for speech and language professionals, parents, childcare providers and educators. She has presented at the American Speech and Hearing Association; the American Association of University Women; Minnesota Department of Education; Symposium for Research in Child Language Disorders; and the International Society for the Study of Behavior Development.